
  • Regarding Summer Sing
  • This time last year I wanted to find something to do outside of my comfort zone when I saw a post about Summer Sing.  What really caught my eye was that you did not have to know how to read music nor sing.  I haven't sung since elementary school.  I thought what could it hurt?  That decision truly changed my life.  The 5 weeks were so enjoyable I decided to join full time.  Not only have I found a love for singing, but I've gained 60+ friends/ a family really and so much more.  So why not try something new?  You will learn a new song but will gain so much more!” Summer Sing 2023 participant Susan Stokes.
    This time last year I wanted to find something to do outside of my comfort zone when I saw a post about Summer Sing.  What really caught my eye was that you did not have to know how to read music nor sing.  I haven’t sung since elementary school.  I thought what could it hurt?  That decision truly changed my life.  The 5 weeks were so enjoyable I decided to join full time.  Not only have I found a love for singing, but I’ve gained 60+ friends/ a family really and so much more.  So why not try something new?  You will learn a new song but will gain so much more!”

    Summer Sing 2023 participant -Susan Stokes.

    “I was one of those kids who enjoyed singing in the school choir but lost my “singing voice” as I grew up and life got in the way.  After seeing a poster for Valley Voices 2023 Summer Sing, I decided to give it a try and oh my, Valley Voices has helped me find my singing voice again!  I had forgotten a lot about music and my voice was rusty, but that didn't matter as everyone is so supportive as I learn about singing and music.  I've found women who are positive friendly, and welcoming and my time in the chorus is filled with fun, laughter and friendship.  Why not give Summer Sing a try!”  Summer Sing 2023 participant Karen Hughes.
    “I was one of those kids who enjoyed singing in the school choir but lost my “singing voice” as I grew up and life got in the way.  After seeing a poster for Valley Voices 2023 Summer Sing, I decided to give it a try and oh my, Valley Voices has helped me find my singing voice again!  I had forgotten a lot about music and my voice was rusty, but that didn’t matter as everyone is so supportive as I learn about singing and music.  I’ve found women who are positive friendly, and welcoming and my time in the chorus is filled with fun, laughter and friendship.  Why not give Summer Sing a try!”

    Summer Sing 2023 participant - 
    Karen Hughes.

    “I had never heard of Valle Voices until a member happened to be in my workplace.  She heard me singing, gave me a card, and invited me to come check it out.  I was a bit nervous, so I followed them on Facebook.  When summer sing was advertised, I thought, here's my chance to go, take part and not be the only new person.  I had so much fun, made great new friendships and realized I didn't want it to end.  This is such an amazingly supportive group of humans.  Great music, great people and how can I forget the great treats  Best decision I've ever made was signing up for Summer Sing and deciding to become a full member!”  Summer Sing 2023participant   Selena Mahar.
    “I had never heard of Valley Voices until a member happened to be in my workplace.  She heard me singing, gave me a card, and invited me to come check it out.  I was a bit nervous, so I followed them on Facebook.  When summer sing was advertised, I thought, here’s my chance to go, take part and not be the only new person.  I had so much fun, made great new friendships and realized I didn’t want it to end.  This is such an amazingly supportive group of humans.  Great music, great people and how can I forget the great treats!  Best decision I’ve ever made was signing up for Summer Sing and deciding to become a full member!”

    Summer Sing 2023 participant - 
    Selena Mahar.


    “My first encounter with Valley Voices was at Summer Sing 2023.  I signed up with my sister as a fun activity that we could do together.  One session in, and we were both hooked!  We were warmly welcomed by everyone in the chorus, assured that we did not have to be professional singers to participate, and immediately felt included and part of the gang.  The 5 weeks that followed consistently showed us that is not just a chorus, but a community of caring women, working together to improve their performance and singing skills and having a blast along the way.  I’ve never experienced anything like it.  Give Summer Sing a try, you won’t regret it!”

    Summer Sing 2023 participant - 
    Erika Diehl


    “Last August my sister told me to sign up for something called “Summer Sing” put on by Valley Voices.  You get to learn a song with the chorus (no experience necessary!) and at the end perform it for friends and family.  I sounded like a fun experience, no cost, no commitment. Well, let me tell you that it was AMAZING!  The women in this chorus are nothing short of phenomenal.  We were welcomed with open hearts, encouraged along the way, and the concert at the end was exhilarating.  We love it so much that we couldn't bear for the experience to be over at the end of August and we joined the chorus as full members!” Summer sing 2023 participant Monica Jorgensen“Last August my sister told me to sign up for something called “Summer Sing” put on by Valley Voices.  You get to learn a song with the chorus (no experience necessary!) and at the end perform it for friends and family.  I sounded like a fun experience, no cost, no commitment.
    Well, let me tell you that it was AMAZING!  The women in this chorus are nothing short of phenomenal.  We were welcomed with open hearts, encouraged along the way, and the concert at the end was exhilarating.  We love it so much that we couldn’t bear for the experience to be over at the end of August and we joined the chorus as full members!”

    Summer sing 2023 participant - 
    Monica Jorgensen


    "I had just moved to the valley area right before Valley Voices Summer Sing 2022. 

    I didn’t have many friends in the area, and wanted to meet new people.  I loved how the chorus welcomed and accepted new people who just wanted to sing.

    Deciding to try out Valley Voices Summer sing 2022 was one of the best decisions I ever made.  I have made some incredible friends along the way, who’ve cheered for me in all parts of life.  I love the memories we’ve created since joining and I am excited to create even more memories with Valley Voices."

    Summer Sing Participant 2022
    Iecha Jewers

    "I originally joined Valley Voices in September of 2016.  Just a few years later the world was hit with a pandemic!  It was heartbreaking that our chorus was not allowed to be together for so long; it wasn’t just about the singing, it was being among this incredible group of women wo care and support each other unconditionally. 

    Eventually, we would make music together once again!  It was at out 2022 Summer Sing program that I reconnected with my chorus sisters and was welcomed back with open arms! 

    I found my voice again that day, and hope that everyone coming to this year’s program feels the joy that singing brings!”

    Summer Sing 2022 participant
    Yvonne Carroll

    “What can I say—WOW!
    Joining the Valley Voices has changed my life.  Upon retirement, I asked myself what I love doing in life.  I rattled off a few activities—singing and travelling were at the forefront.

    I started out singing, which I’ve always enjoyed, and I soon realized that WE ARE PERFORMERS!  To top this off is a director that...just makes you feel special!!! 

    This is the sisterhood that li’l ol’ me’s been looking for!  I’m hooked!”

    Summer sing 2022 participant
    Patty Fraser

    “After 15 years away from NS, I wanted to get back into music and find new connections in the Valley. The Valley Voices Summer Sing 2022 ad popped up on my FB feed and I contacted the director right away.  I admitted to years with little singing rusty music-reading skills, and ZERO barbershop-style music experience.  Our chorus director was not the least bit deterred and strongly encouraged me to give it a try!

    At my first night, I was greeted by a chorus of women who were equally encouraging.  When we rang our first chord I experienced such joy!  The welcoming, encouraging chorus members, combined with the beautiful music “hooked” me right from the start.” 

    Summer Sing 2022 participant
    Carrie Bernard 


    "Attending the Valley Voices summer sing sessions in 2022 was one of the best decisions I've made!"
    Not only did I meet some really amazing people who I now consider to be very close friends, but the music we made was so beautiful!

    The no pressure atmosphere was exactly what my crazy life needed, and when it was finished, I didn’t want to stop singing with everyone. 

    The music and the people of the Valley Voices fuel my soul.”

    Summer sing 2022 participant
    Tanya Reid.


    "Several years ago, a friend asked me to join her in a Summer Sing program with the Valley Voices.  I never consider myself a singer and I never sang as a hobby, but I agreed to go.  I was warmly welcomed and told: “Everyone can sing!”  Turns out they were right!  I “found my voice” and was delighted to be welcomed as a member of the Valley Voices. 

    That began 8 years of one of the most enriching experiences of my life!  A wonderful four-part harmony of: Song, Laughter, Learning, and Friendship!”

    Summer Sing 2022 participant
    Pat Norton



  • Regarding The chorus in general
  • Happy 40th Anniversary Greetings for Valley Voices
    A huge congratulations on your 40th Anniversary. Wishing you love and all the best for the next 40 years. I feel honoured and blessed to have shared 7 years of your history as one of your former Directors. We made magical music together and shared love, dedication, respect for each other along the way, never doubting for a minute what we were capable of accomplishing. A love story shared. Thank you all for believing in the “us” of Valley Voices CHOR-“US”. Enjoy your celebration- sing much, laugh much and never stop believing in YOU!
    Your former Fearless Leader
    Judy Robichaud
    - Judy Robichaud

    “Never Forget Where you came from” Congratulations Valley Voices and happy 40th! Wow, where does the time go? And to think I've been a part of this amazing chorus for 38 of those years.
    Well, to be fair, I was a member of the Queens of Kings when I was still in high school, when you were associated with Sweet Adelines. I took a few years off to get married and go to college and when I returned in 1981, you were then members of a new organization called Harmony, Incorporated. Since then, I served in many capacities and have seen many changes, including members, directors, and even a name. I have learned so much from so many. Truth is, I would not be the person I am today without my involvement with this chorus.
    I'm sorry I can't be there to celebrate with you today but please know I am so proud of you. And I am very proud to say that I got my start with Valley Voices. I will never forget where I came from.
    Love in Harmony,
    Theresa Weatherbee
    - Theresa Weatherbee

    On behalf of Area 1 and Harmony Incorporated, I'd like to extend heartfelt congratulations as you celebrate your 40th anniversary. I want you to know how disappointed I am that I cannot be here to take part in your celebrations as you recognize all of your accomplishments past and present. We are so fortunate that you are members of the Area 1 family and I cannot begin to express how important and special you are to all of us. You are a group of vibrant energetic women (led by a talented, caring man) who have given so much to the community, to Harmony and to each other. Your love of our barbershop craft is obvious in all you do, and we cannot imagine Area 1 without you. You have inspired generations of women and we look forward too many more years of making music together. So, as you raise a glass (or 2) you can be proud of everything that you have accomplished over the past 4 decades and we are beyond excited about all the possibilities that lie ahead.
    Love, your Area 1 Director and friend,
    Linda McMaster
    - Linda McMaster, Area 1 Director


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